Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?

Hoffmania brings up the case of Luis Posada Carriles, accused of conducting terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the attacks were against Fidel Castro, which forces The Bush League to answer the "freedom fighter or terrorist" question.

Permalink to Hoffmania's post Here's An Interesting Test Coming Up...
Wow. How will Bush handle THIS? Does he send the guy back? Does he do some recreational pandering to Florida's Cubans by allowing him to stay - even though the guy has terrorist tendencies? Does this story drift aimlessly into oblivion?

Place your bets.
Castro foe to apply for U.S. asylum

A militant, anti-Communist Cuban exile who was jailed in Panama and then pardoned in connection with a plot to kill President Fidel Castro is in the United States and will apply for asylum on Wednesday, his lawyer said on Monday.
Source: Hoffmania Here's An Interesting Test Coming Up...
Sounds like we should monitor the name Luis Posada Carriles, just to make sure this international terrorist doesn't find shelter in a "rogue nation" known to "sponsor terrorism."


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