Wednesday, May 18, 2005


None Dare Call it Corruption

The Republicans are so deeply intertwined with industry lobbyists that the House Majority Whip can order the lobbyists around:
House Majority Whip Exerts Influence by Way of K Street

By Thomas B. Edsall
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 17, 2005; Page A19

House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), the man one step behind Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in the Republican leadership, has built a political machine of his own that extends from Missouri deep into Washington's K Street lobbying community.

...Blunt has maximized the organization's influence by delegating authority to Washington business and trade association lobbyists to help negotiate deals with individual House members to produce majorities on important issues.


Business and trade association lobbyists representing a broad range of corporate interests have used their leverage in lawmakers' districts to persuade them to cast difficult votes for Republican budgets and against politically popular Democratic amendments.

These lobbyists are "willing to work with leadership, in a broad generic way . . . [and] we have a commitment from them to whip the vote on the outside," said Gregg Hartley, who ran the operation for Blunt until going to K Street himself.
(Emphasis added)
Lobbyists write the legislation and then help Republican leaders shove it down our Congresscritters' throats. And Republicans dare talk about Democrats being influenced by "special interests."


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